sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2007

Spoon - Don't you evah

Não sei se é este o vídeo oficial da musica (não me parece, apesar dos membros da banda aparecerem Ex: vocalista atrás do cientista na escada rolante). No entanto esta musica cativou-me pela sua simplicidade. Ou talvez pela voz do vocalista. Não sei bem. Easy listening... às vezes "menos é mais" :)

Ah e recentemente fui gozado por abanar a cabeça ao som desta musica. Se o robot pode, eu também posso. Repudio veementemente qualquer rótulo de estranho e uso este vídeo como prova de que é uma reacção natural :D

Facto cómico : "At the beginning of "Don't You Evah", Britt Daniel can be heard asking "Can you record the talkback?" repeatedly. According to Daniel, this was an ongoing joke between Daniel and Jim Eno as a way of annoying their co-producer Mike McCarthy. While asking this, Daniel was also listening to the track on his headphones. As the intro continued, he began singing along with the guitar line, which can also be heard on the final mix."

Bet you got it all planned right
Bet you never worry
never even feel a fright
Bet you got it all planned right
Never think to worry
never even feel a fright.

Single sleeps alone
and I know you don't really mind
Five years by your side
so I know you really don't mind

But don't you never be down
I said don't ever
'Cause it's gonna keep 'em hanging around

Never be down
I said don't ever
Because it's gonna keep 'em hanging around

Don't you never think it's right
Bet you think you had to but it doesn't feel right
Bet you never think it feels right
Famous-sounding words make your head feel light

Petals getting picked
with the love-yous
and the love-you-nots

Five years going by
Everyone is staying on their side

But don't never be down
I said don't ever
Because you're gonna keep 'em hanging around

Never be down
I said don't ever
Because it's gonna keep 'em hanging around.

But don't you never be down
I said don't ever
Because it's gonna keep 'em hanging around

Five years going by
Everyone is staying on their side

Never be down
I said don't ever
cause it's gonna keep 'em hanging around

Five years going by
everyone is staying on their side

I said don't ever need to worry
cause it's gonna feel all right


5 comentários:

Sara SC disse...

Nada de comparações...tens de admitir q o bonekinho amarelo tem estilo e como tal pode fazer akele shake..nele é cool :P

RedPill disse...

Quer dizer que dia 23 de Fevereiro estamos na aula magna para ga ga ga ga ga gramar o belo do sonoro? ;)

Rik disse...

Estamos sim senhora :D Já lá tenho os bilhetes em casa ;)

Pedro Sesinando disse...

aí vem o chato do costume a pôr defeitos:

a letra tem um erro!! de onde sacaste isso? "but you don't love her? deep down" e não "don't you ever be down".

modo chato do catano OFF.

Rik disse...

Vi as 2 variantes.

A mim parece-me q ele diz don't you never.