domingo, 3 de maio de 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Yesterday I was quite tired and decided to go and watch this movie. I have to say it actually sucks big time... I'd say that after this one, I hope they don't make another X-Men movie. Why does it suck so hard?
1 - The use of blue screens is excessive... most of the times you understand that the actors are completely clueless.
2 - The storyline is a complete mess... they even joke about it in the movie when Wolverine says "Do I have to fight everyone I meet?" Apparently YES. The fight with Blob is complete nonsense.
3 - The whole Weapon X program was much more violent... but hey, I guess nowadays you can't do a movie about the US army brainwashing a guy to be a killing machine.
4 - The part when Gambit fights Wolverine... it simply doesn't make any sense.
5 - Will I Am's role is a total mess.
6 - AND THIS REALLY PISSED ME OFF - They pick Deadpool to be Wolverine's boss battle. BUT they totally killed the character... he was always the insane guy with a joke, that killed because the crazy voices in his head told him to. He was the guy that always made fun of other hero's costumes. He was the perfect anti-hero... completely ruined.
I was yawning for the whole movie... I give it a 1/10 and the 1 is for the few special fx that are cool.

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

You're too harsh on the movie!

So, you live these movies more than regular people because you read the comics...
- they decicate a seires of comics to the weapon X program, here, besides it is how wolverine was born, it's just a part of the movie;
- Fight with Gambit: you run away from prision, a guy comes to ask questions, are you to hear what he has to say??
- John Wraith is a teleporter and was a part of that team, define mess?
- Deadpool, it's just the final battle in the movie that tells the story of wolverine, its not a special part of it!
- Movies are not suposed to be for people who read the books (or comics), in the end it's just a fight movie with FX... STILL 1 in 10??? at the very least a 5.