domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

Learning JavaScript - Shelley Powers

Some time ago I realized one flaw in my engineering skills was knowing little about web-development. I decided to get a book on the subject and start somewhere... well the most useful thing I could think of was JavaScript.
The book gave me a few basic insights on what JavaScript is for and where it should be used. However, I did not find it to be a great book... too much elaboration on what should and shouldn't be done, and it lacks a better structure. I found that most of what was presented on the later chapters, I had already checked online in order to understand the previous examples.
But hey, JavaScript is a no rules land, writing a book about it isn't easy.

Um comentário:

Rui Pires disse...

Did not read the book, but learned a bit of javascript myself. For the same reasons as you.

You might find this useful:

It's a great javascript library.