domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

My last Woody Allen experience wasn't that great. I didn't like Cassandra's Dream... it's in my list of "movies never to watch again no matter what". This Vicky Cristina Barceblona was much lighter.
I always find interesting the randomness and craziness of artists, and I've gotten used to not trying to understand or justify it. This is a movie just about that, the relationships between the creative and non-creative, the creative and creative, the non-creative and non-creative.
I really liked Javier and Penelope roles, but I think Scarllet's performance was just too fake. And the not so known Rebecca Hall was great as Vicky. Penelope's Oscar is probably just. And Woody, you did great by not falling into the tragic ending every author who wrote movies about this subject keeps choosing. 8/10 and I'd definitely watch it again :D

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