quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

Amon Tobin - The Killer's Vanilla

I was chilling out over a Martini @ a bar I quite like and this song started. My friend Patricia was with me and she didn't know who Amon Tobin was. I promised to dig my collection when I got home and find the name of the song. And here it is: The Killer's Vanilla.
When I was still in college, a complete pot head was all "dude... you have to listen to this... this freaks me out... it's like horror movies soundtrack mixed with drum'n'bass rythm". And that was when I first learned about Amon Tobin, a Brasilian DJ well know for his sampling skills. Some parts really sounded like horror movies, and others pure drum'n'bass... but the mix was well balanced and worked quite well! His later work is easier to listen, but I still think it's one of the most original musicians out there.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Thank you, next time dinner at my place * Patrícia

Anônimo disse...
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