domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009

For all the people with HP Laptops

I had this HP laptop with a major OS meltdown, and decided to crack it open, take out the hardrive, and connect it to my PC to salvage all I could. It could have worked if only... well, you can see for yourselves on the pictures... the topmost picture is the industry standard connector for that HD model... the bottom one was the idiotic proprietary connector I found when I took it out. It's the same number of pins, and it takes the same space inside the laptop... so WHY!?!?!

2 comentários:

Rui Pires disse...

The message there seems pretty straightforward, and you have your answer right there:

"Fuck You" That's why.

Unknown disse...

Com um vocabulário menos directo, mas ainda assim eficaz... "Temos pena!" ;)