sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

Operation Endgame

Starts up as an adult comedy, and builds up to an action movie where you don't really know what's happening. Some gruesome deaths, fast paced movie and some puns.
Honestly, I quite enjoyed it. Would have rated it a 7 or 8 on IMDB. Not because it's a masterpiece, but I liked the story rather a lot!
The movie will probably not to so well in the States, because it criticizes the USA a bit. I liked the theme!
Big thumbs up for this one (even if it's rated otherwise on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes).

PS:don't be fooled by the comedy on the trailer, it's a serious movie.

Operation : Endgame - Trailer Red Band [VO|HD]
Enviado por Lyricis. - Veja filmes em destaque e emissoras de televisão inteiras

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